Meet Ryan, Chanel, two-year-old son Parkes and their furry friend Lilly the Jack Russell. This family of four – soon to become a family of five with the arrival of a baby sister for Parkes – hadn’t planned to build. Here’s their story.

“We thought building would be out of our price range, but when we worked out the figures it was going to cost about the same as buying established and renovating,” Chanel says.

So what was on their wish-list as they started planning their brand new family home?

For Ryan it was floor-to-ceiling tiles in the ensuite and a luxury master suite. “As long as I got that I was happy,” he says. “The rest was pretty much all Chanel.”

Chanel’s must-haves included high ceilings. “Something light and airy,” she says. “The raking ceilings were a must. I also wanted a play room; a separate space for the kids.”

The couple, who operate a number of gyms, work from home a lot, so a comfortable office space was needed too.

“I think we changed the design once. Harry pretty well got it bang on,” Ryan says. “Chanel is definitely a hard person to please. Harry, our design consultant, met all our expectations; he was exceptional.”

You can imagine how excited the young family were as they got closer to key handover.

“Chanel said she was more excited about getting the keys to our new home that she was for our wedding day,” Ryan says. “That puts in to perspective just how exciting it was!”

What’s Chanel’s number one tip for others building a new home?

“Know what kind of style you want; get some inspiration so when you’re going into pre-start you’re not overwhelmed by all the different selections and colours. Stick to what it is you think you want. Ours turned out exactly how we wanted it.”

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