If you’re planning to visit one or more of Perth’s many display villages this weekend, having a solid plan of attack will help you get the most out of the afternoon.

Whether you’ve already short-listed several displays to view or you’re just keen to discover what’s new, it’s worth setting aside plenty of time to take it all in, says Cameron Lade, General Manager of Dale Alcock Homes.

“Mapping out locations and opening times before you set off may sound obvious, but it will help you plan your afternoon, so you see everything you want to see,” Mr Lade said.

“There are plenty of display villages to visit, but they are scattered. It’s 62kms from Clarkson to Southern River, for example, so you might not want to do both north and south in the one afternoon.”

Mr Lade says homebuyers usually take up to 45 minutes to view a display home, including asking any questions. Grouping several displays together is a good idea to help maximise your time.

Archipelago Elevation

As well as packing a measuring tape, notebook and pen, buyers are encouraged to take the kids with them if they’re looking for a family home.

“Not only are kids brutally honest, but you’ll be able to see how they interact with different homes, which will help you picture your family together in the same space,” Mr Lade said.

It’s perfectly reasonable to expect to be able to stroll through a display home in peace, especially if you are there simply to browse and collect ideas. On the flip side, you shouldn’t be afraid of asking questions, even if you have lots of them.

Snapping some photos shouldn’t be frowned upon, either.

“If you’re visiting a number of displays, they can get a bit muddled up by the end of the afternoon,” Mr Lade said. “Photos are a great way of jogging your memory and they can be invaluable if your recollection of a display home varies from your partner’s memory of it.”

When you’re wandering through a display, also think about the things you can’t see and what the process might be like to build that home.

The display might look impressive, but are you clear about what’s included as standard and what is an upgrade you must pay extra for?

Marley Bedroom

“It’s easy to get swept up in the presentation of a display, when in fact it’s a great opportunity to ask about the value of things that aren’t obvious, such as the builder’s customer service policy, its service warranty and its structural warranty,” Mr Lade said.

“Also consider the practicalities of the home and be prepared to use a little imagination so you can visualise how your family might use the rooms and how the layout might work for you.

“Above all, you should expect to be wowed on all counts. The very point of a display is to showcase the home at its absolute best. If it doesn’t knock your socks off – from the design and layout, to the quality of the construction and the attitude of the consultant – then it’s time to walk out the door and into the next one.

“Your dream home is out there,” Mr Lade said.

Want to see a display home for yourself?

Our displays are open 2-5pm Mondays and Wednesdays, 1-5pm Saturdays, 12-5pm Sundays or are available to view by appointment. For more information, contact our New Homes Consultants on 9242 9200.