Summer is such an important part of our culture here in WA and with the warmer weather just around the corner (and Christmas less than two months away!), now is the time to prepare your home for the festive season.

Here’s our five handy hints to point you in the right direction:

1. Start now.

It is easy to underestimate how much time you will need to get your home ready for summer. Your house has probably been locked up for close to six months over winter so don’t expect to get it back into ship-shape in just a few hours.

The trick is to start now. Make a list of all the jobs that need to be done around the house or garden and prioritise them. Allocate jobs to each member of the family and make sure you know what needs to be done and by when.

It might sound cumbersome, but preparation and planning are the key to a successful festive season.

2. Spring clean for summer.

Give your home a fresh face for summer. Open the windows and blinds to let a little fresh air and sunlight in. The summer sun will probably show up a LOT of dust so get busy dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing and mopping. De-clutter your home and put all your winter rugs and blankets into storage.

Check your summer appliances including ceiling fans and pedestals, plus have your air-conditioning systems serviced. Brighten your home with some fresh plants or flowers and liven up your indoor and outdoor table settings with some fresh crockery, linen and glassware. There are plenty of attractive (and affordable) plastic options too!

Indiana Alfresco

3. Bring your garden back to life.

Your outdoor areas play such an important role when it comes to entertaining during the summer months so make sure they are ready for action. Set aside a weekend to mow your lawns, trim trees, remove weeds and check your reticulation.

Don’t wait until the morning of your first barbecue at home to make sure everything is in working order. At least the day before, make sure you clean your barbecue and outdoor ovens, check your gas bottles, sweep the deck and hose down your outdoor furniture to get rid of any unwanted dirt, spiders and insects.

Safety is paramount for your family and others so always make sure your gates and pool fences meet all safety regulations. Clean and balance the pool before the first weekend of warm weather and don’t wait until all the kids are in the pool before you start blowing up the pool toys. This is not a job for the faint hearted!

4. Always be ready for guests.

Most people would agree there is nothing better than a cold drink on a warm day and if you are entertaining guests at home, it is important to be a responsible host. It is not uncommon to have friends unexpectedly stay over after a few drinks in the sun so make sure your house is ready for guests.

Clear any junk out of the spare bedroom and guest bathroom. Arrange fresh towels and linen or you can really go ‘all out’ by adding some fresh flowers, bottled water, candles and scented lotions to the room. Your guests may not notice all the effort when they go to bed, but they will be sure to appreciate it the next morning!

5. Be prepared.

One of the most important tips for the festive season it to always be prepared for more than you expect. People will always drop in unannounced, parties will go for longer, the house will get messier and more food and drink will be consumed than you possibly thought possible.

So, always be prepared. Have extra food in the pantry, meat in the freezer, drinks in the fridge and a few spare gifts tucked away so you won’t be caught off-guard if someone unexpectedly surprises you with a little Christmas gift.

Most importantly, enjoy the summer months. Your home is your castle and the kindest thing you can do is open your doors to others so make the most of the warm weather and every opportunity for fun with friends and family.