We pride ourselves on providing an outstanding building experience for our customers, so when we receive wonderful feedback from them, we’re extremely humbled.

Recently, we received a lovely letter from our clients who built their new forever home during a challenging time in their life. With their permission we’ve shared some of their story below.

Thank you to Vicki and David for taking the time to pass on their feedback, we are so happy you are now enjoying your beautiful new home.

“Dear Everyone at Dale Alcock,

Thank you so much for building our new forever home.

Dave and I have had a personally challenging year in 2017. February saw Dave undergo major surgery for cancer, then before we had wrapped our heads around that I had major cancer surgery in May (unbelievable), then before we even had three weeks to recover from that our son’s wife gave birth to her baby 11 weeks too early. Then the company Dave works for went into voluntary administration. To say it was stressful was an understatement. In the meantime, we were struggling with the shire to approve our building permit, so we could get the house built we had signed up with you for back in February 2016.

Building our new home was the best thing to have happened to us in the year. We want you all to know that it gave us something positive to look forward to, dream about and get excited for. The day Leyla phoned us to say our building permit was through (11th May), I was so happy I cried like a baby. The beautiful flowers we received as a get well after my op were so beautiful, and it was such a lovely gesture that we really appreciated.

The service help and friendliness from everyone we encountered throughout the build of our home has been an absolute pleasure. This is our first experience of building a new home and we were so pleased to have help at every turn.

The front man, our first contact with your company was Richard Wetterhahn. What a lovely, knowledgeable, helpful young man he turned out to be. We had been into other display homes (and largely been ignored). I know a lot of people say they are just looking – but when you are in the market for a new home you want someone to sell to you, and Richard did a fabulous job, coming out to our home to go through plans and answer questions and reassure us on any concerns we had. I really feel he is an asset to your company and a great ambassador.

Because of the hold up with titles and building permit through the shire it turned out to be a long drawn out process, but Richard emailed us every so often letting us know if there was anything he could help us with he would, which was a nice touch.

A little way into our process we were assigned our Client Liaison Officer, Leyla Brunton. Oh, my goodness, what a wonderful woman! Seriously, we raved about how much we loved her to everyone we saw (this is no exaggeration). The care and attention we received from Leyla was superb. She was so caring and understanding, knew everything that was going on, and was very efficient and helpful. I was quite devastated when I heard we were losing her come the construction phase of our build. (Luckily for us, our Construction Liaison Officer Tania was wonderful which made the change over smooth and stress free).

We then had some very helpful ladies guide us throughout the colour meeting; (thank you very much Gina), electrical meeting; (Laura was amazing) and prestart – Emily was very patient and kind and had great ideas for two people who have no idea when it comes to interior design. We can’t thank them enough and we were actually happy to have all these meetings separate. We had been told by some others who had built (with other builders) that they only had the one or two meetings to sort everything out. We found it overwhelming with all the decisions that had to be made and it was great to separate it out, so we had just colours outside to think of first, then electrical to think about and lastly the big one – prestart. Having it all together would have been way too much for us to cope with. We have been more than delighted at how everything has come together in the build with colours and tile choices etc. (especially as we had mostly forgotten what we had chosen back in July 2016 – 12 months earlier than the construction).

In the meantime, dealing with the extreme hoops we had to jump through to keep the shire happy as time dragged on waiting for our building permit (which I swear they were holding hostage), which included a re-design, extra expense and hard physical work on our part to pay the ransom, was the help and support of a very knowledgeable John Care. Seriously, I don’t think we could have coped with that stress on top of all else we were dealing with, without him. We so appreciated him going into bat for us with the shire and coming out with a positive outcome and were so grateful to him.

Tania Brown was the lovely, efficient, and ever so helpful Construction Liaison Officer we were assigned when the actual build start. We couldn’t have asked for a better person to guide us through the construction process and she patiently answer all our ‘silly’ questions and replied to all the emails promptly, explaining things in an uncomplicated way. No query was too insignificant, and Tania dealt with us in a caring and friendly manner.

The last member of the team we were involved with was Arron Pedri our Site Manager. Another fabulous team player who was so helpful, kind and courteous, with nothing seeming like it was too much trouble. After our first meeting I felt secure that our construction was in safe hands and confident that if there were any hiccups they would be taken care of easily. This sense of security was a huge relief for me as we started the build and I thank Arron very much for this gift.

Our building permit was issued on the 11th May and construction was underway immediately. We had the smoothest, most stress-free build I have ever heard anyone have. Each piece was expertly attended to by your very efficient and quality tradesmen and we were impressed by the workmanship of the entire build, from earth works, the fabulous pad, great brickwork, to the inside tiling, painting, skirting boards, plumbing, electrical and cabinetry. The build zoomed along at an amazing pace (even through adverse winter weather) and six months later we were almost finished. By the 11th December we will actually be living in our new home, which is an amazing seven months since the granting of our building permit. An absolutely terrific job indeed.

Thank you one and all for our wonderful build experience we couldn’t be happier and will definitely be recommending Dale Alcock to anyone and everyone. 5 star rating all the way.

With best wishes for your continued success in the future and wishing everyone a Merry Xmas and a great New Year.”