In the recent years we have learnt how to work from home, and how to exercise from home too. You might not have the time to go to the gym before or after work. You might be too busy with the kids to attend a fitness class every week. You cannot beat the convenience of having your own dedicated workout space. Some of our beautiful display homes have amazing gym set ups. Take a look if you are in need of inspiration for your own home gym!

A few reasons why you would prefer to set your gym at home:


Not everyone likes to sweat in front of strangers. A home gym is a good way to keep your ‘sweaty workout look’ private.


No sharing facilities with others, no membership fees, and there is no need to worry about locking your belongings up before exercising either.

Time Efficiency:

Say goodbye to the annoying travel time when you workout at home. Because we all know, it takes a lot of effort to get dressed to exercise, shower, then get dressed again to leave the gym… Being home will definitely save you time and might even keep your motivation level high.




Yes, a home gym can be pretty!

We get it! A home gym sounds great on paper, but in real life it’s more complicated. The space can get messy, cluttered and not very aesthetic. The general rule for a seamless and stylish home is to keep the same colour scheme through the house. This can definitely apply in your home gym too. Unfortunately gym equipment isn’t generally aesthetic but you can still bring some style and colour to your gym space by adding art and plants. And let’s not forget a pretty yoga mat and colourful weights can look very stylish on display.