The site: This 526sqm corner lot bounded by parkland exhibited great development potential. Featuring a 15m frontage and a run down house, the client saw an enticing opportunity to better utilise the space.

The challenge: With the cost of replacing the original home not economically viable, the client was in need of a solution that both maximised the site’s space, while meeting their specific accommodation needs.

The solution: Developments by Dale Alcock built two homes – one single storey 3×2 and one double storey 3×2, built at the front of the block to give the development a grander street appeal. The brief placed great importance on design, resulting in living areas that take full advantage of the parkland vistas through semi-permeable fencing, which also features side gates for easy family access. Our interior designer preselected the colour schemes for the client, relieving them of stress and time hassles.

The outcome: The original objective to increase accommodation on the site was met, allowing the client to retain one home while profiting from the sale of the other.