The days are getting shorter and the cooler months are upon us. With that comes the feeling to cosy up, to get ready for the rainy and chilly days. Perth weather can be unpredictable and we all remember to carry an umbrella during those crazy winter storms, but we often forget to change our home habits to adapt to the new seasons. Coming home to a warm environment can lift our mood after commuting in freezing weather, and simple home décor changes can brighten the greyer winter days.

Here are 5 tips on how to make your home feel more cosy during the colder seasons:

Incorporate Warm Textures

Adding a throw blanket, a few more pillows on the couch and a shag accent piece on the floor can make your home feel instantly more inviting and warm. Nothing better than snuggling under a blanket on a cold evening, with your favourite book or TV show.

Bring Natural Element Indoors

The colder months aren’t really the best time to put your green thumb to work. However, it doesn’t mean you should completely give up on bringing greenery from your garden back indoors. Clippings from cold-friendly plants, such as Pansies, can bring a lovely warm touch to your home when it’s cold outside. Plants are huge mood lifters so don’t hesitate to add a few more indoor plants to your collection.

Soft Light All The Way

Yellow dim lighting is truly key to make a room feel more cosy and warm. Instead of using your main ceiling lights, add a few lamps in your space and turn them on when the light of the day is getting darker. “Lamp o’clock” is usually around 5pm during winter. It will instantly make your home feel pleasant, inviting and comfy. You can even add a lamp in the kitchen to make the cold early mornings a bit cosier. And let’s not forget what a few candles can do to make a room feel warmer.


Warm Up Your Home Colour Palette

As human beings, we are very sensitive to colours and how it affects our mood. Warm natural colours like beige, light grey and brown tones would bring your home to peak cosiness. You can add colours in your interior by simply swapping your regular summery décor for some warm tones, cushions, throw blankets, rugs, candle holders, baskets, lamps or even art. If you feel even more inspired (and a bit braver), you can add paint to create accent walls in your home. Wattyl’s 2022 Colour Forecast has some lovely new colours to choose from, to make your dream cosy home come true. Click here to read our blog about the Wattyl’s 2022 Colour Forecast.

Make Your Home Yours

Fast moving trends can leave you a bit confused, as it might not be quite your style. And it’s okay! A home doesn’t need to look like a picture perfect magazine shot to feel cosy. The true secret of making your home inviting, comfy and warm is ‘to make it your own’. As Laura Weir, queen of cosy, says it in her book, The British Art of Comfort “the ultimate way to create cosiness in your home is to make it feel like your own.”