The conversation around urban density in Perth continues to evolve, and as it does it opens up new opportunities for homeowners and builders alike.

Whenever the topic is raised it typically accompanies some mention of residential design codes, or R-codes – the set of rules which dictate the zoned development potential of a block.

R-codes align with criteria mapped out in State Planning Policy documents, and they serve as the key to understanding the development potential of your property.

The codes, and changes to them, are in vogue with local councils at the moment on the back of planning and policy directive from the State Government, according to Dale Alcock Homes and Developments by Dale Alcock General Manager Cameron Lade.

“The State Government has realised that urban sprawl cannot continue, and is requiring local councils to increase the density of housing closer to the city and in developed areas,” he said.

“This includes areas around shopping centres, established transport hubs and commercial hubs in particular.”

If the R-code in your area has changed, it means your block might have different development potential than it did the last time you checked.

“Many homeowners have started thinking about developing their block after receiving news from their local council that the area has been re-zoned to encourage people to subdivide and build more homes,” Mr Lade said.

“This opens up a range of possibilities for homeowners. Building an extra home on their block may mean they can stay in an area they love but have a second property to rent out or sell, giving them an income stream or the potential to put a nice sum of cash in the bank.

“Other people are specifically looking for big blocks with an old house that they can bowl over, enabling them to build two, three, four or more houses, villas or townhouses.”

A recently completed Developments by Dale Alcock project on South Terrace in Como involved a relocating family who knocked down their existing home on a block zoned R20 to make way for two newly built two-storey houses.

The owners now plan to sell one of the properties and rent the other.

Mr Lade said those looking to find out more about residential codes and zoning could start by visiting the websites for their local council and the Western Australian Planning Commission.

If you have a Developments question contact our expert Consultants on 9242 9500.