Project |  Childcare Centre

Developer: Stockland

Architect: I2C Design

Engagement: Design and Construct

Location: Eglinton

The Amberton Childcare Centre is a 104-place childcare centre located in Eglinton. The major structure of the centre was built using the revolutionary robotic bricklaying in conjunction with efficient timber framing to form internal walls and the truss roof system.

The Architect, I2C Design, took inspiration from the history of Amberton as a barque ship hull as well as the barque vessel wreck located on the coast line and incorporated the material palette into the design. Timber cladding, exposed timber beams and opaque/translucent sheets have been incorporated to represent various elements of the ship wreck (hull, mast structure & sails).

Project Overview

Dale Alcock Projects (DAP) were successful in winning the tender and were engaged through a Design & Construct contract, working closely with I2C Design to value engineer and document the design for lodgement of a building permit.

Construction of Amberton Childcare commenced in March 2021 and reached completion in February 2022, and was ready for operation later in the same month. The site is just under 3000m2 and can cater up to 104 children at its maximum capacity.

The team were responsible for the complete build-out of the child-care centre, including all associated earthworks, landscaping, hardscaping and car park area.

Project Challenges

Using new technology always come with its challenges, however the team at FBR were very proactive and overcame all issues associated with the robotic bricklayer to keep the project running, even during the wetter season.

As the childcare operator was based in the Eastern States and Western Australia was moving in and out of hard border lockdowns, DAP worked closely and proactively with all stakeholders and the client project manager to ensure proactive and constant communications with the operator.

Childcares generally require a large amount of co-ordination of compliance approvals in the last few weeks, however the team was productive and collaborative to make sure the tenant was able to open the building as soon as possible.

Project Highlights

With the trade shortage seriously impacting procurement at the time, DAP made the decision to form the structure using the robotic bricklayer (FBR) for its first large commercial application. Besides some minor learning expected from this new technology, the robot performed well and the structure was completed in line with program.

Working so closely with a very experienced tenant meant the final product was very functional, durable and safe for children to enjoy.

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