Multi-Unit Development Opportunities In Perth

One simple reason for Perth’s very high house prices is that our infrastructure is spread over an expansive area, so there are more amenities, roads and rail than would be found in most other similarly populated cities. To reduce this burden for home buyers, the Western Australian Government is looking to reduce the costs of our infrastructure through increased density housing, which will improve housing supply and access to key amenities without huge expense.

Many areas of Perth have, or are being re-zoned to incorporate higher density living. Some blocks, currently with a single dwelling may provide the opportunity to build from 4 to 8 units; meaning many home owners could be sitting on a small gold mine! Usually these pockets of land are located close to busy shopping districts or transport nodes and require two storey style developments known as “Class 2” homes or “mini apartments”.

The Development Opportunity

Most people find the idea of becoming a developer and taking on risks in developing a “multi-unit” property quite daunting. It need not be stressful though. The key is obtaining the right financial legal, property and taxation advice so you can find a solution to de-risk the project to make it happen. Multi-unit development even has its own specialist finance avenues which are often not through the major banks. In fact, you may not even need the bank at all.

You should never touch a mid-size property project without the correct guidance. The key to becoming a successful developer (or to simply realising the value of your block) is to locate a partner with experience in all aspects of the project, in other words a one-stop shop to ensure you have all the information you need.

The great news is that we have a unique process to develop Class 2 housing, through the Developments by Dale Alcock business model, and relationship with key partners. This includes access to specialised designers, along with a complete finance solution by the team at Resolve Finance, and legal and settlement accessibility through our law firm Resolve Legal. This model has not only been created to maximise the profitability of our client’s projects, it is also highly accessible to both ‘mum and dad’ investors, home owners, and the more experienced project developer.

Too often we see clients who have been provided plans and projected profits by builders that look wonderful, only to find out there are nasty development risks or taxation consequences that no-one has warned them about or worse, they missed the opportunity to maximise their profits or returns.

We, as well as trusted independent advisers, make sure this doesn’t happen by checking project risk, taxation consequences, zoning, joint venture and equity options, So that you can be confident the development is right for you. We can even help find end purchasers to ensure projects are completed smoothly and your investment is protected.

Talk to Developments by Dale Alcock

If you have a home, that happens to be in a development zone, currently own a development site or are looking for a development site you should speak to our expert team to assess your opportunity and potential solutions. The success in development of Class 2 rests heavily on your project profit and has little to do with personal income or assets.

Let us show you how simple it can be to achieve your goals. Contact us today.