You don’t need to live in a trendy converted warehouse or former factory building to enjoy the industrial style. Whether you’re building new, or improving the old, this super-cool look is stylish, full of character and easy to love.

1. Material matters

The industrial style emphasises the structural elements of a building, stripping it back to its bare essentials. Think unfinished walls, aged brick, metal ductwork, unadorned windows and concrete or bare timber floors. Metal beams, columns and trusses can be left exposed for all to see, and even pipes and wiring can become a feature. It’s literally the nuts and bolts of the building that shine, rather than needing to add any decorative elements.

Image: Industrial Style

2. Keeping it open

Open-plan spaces are one of the hallmarks of the industrial style. By simplifying and editing the number of pieces you have in a room, you can bump up the sense of volume while creating that all-important utilitarian vibe.

Image: Industrial Style

3. Colour palette

Take inspiration from the raw appeal of factory and warehouse premises. Exposed red brick adds a punch of colour and underlines vintage character, while simple white walls set off black window frames and grey concrete floors. Black details are perfect for highlighting the industrial look, along with worn leather, modest subway tiles, grey stone, dark timber, and metal accents in copper or tin.

Image: Industrial Style

4. Bare essentials

No-nonsense, practical pieces will shine in an industrial-style home. This is the perfect opportunity to put the recycled, the repurposed, the salvaged and the vintage to work. Find fun ways to use items such as gears, pipes and even vehicle parts, mixing and matching for maximum effect. When it comes to windows, black shutters, fuss-free roller blinds or plain linen curtains on a black track will help maintain the pared-back look. Definitely no frills or flounces.

Image: Industrial Style

5. Plants and pictures

The industrial style is all about keeping things practical, without unnecessary adornment or decoration. Any artwork should be kept current or edgy. Oversized black and white photos in contemporary black frames are high-impact and arty, while big leafy fiddle-leaf figs will soften the overall look of a room without distracting from the stylish, no-frills presentation.

Image: Industrial Style

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